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We currently have two females and one male that are available for breeding should we have the desire and need to do that. 

When we have upcoming litters or piglets available, you will find them here.

The initial cost of one of these little guys can be extensive in the beginning. Keeping a healthy herd of an exotic breed can be more costly and challenging than some might think. In the end, it's a small price to pay for the fun and enjoyment you will get from your new family member.

With all the we have learned over the years, we wanted to share anything and everything that we thought might help someone else on their path to find the perfect pig. 

About Our Piggies

Since beginning our breeding program in 2015, we have discovered that a large number of folks are misled to believe that pigs are like having a dog or cat. Though there are some wonderful piggy parents out there, what we found is that most folks don't relize, and don't seem to want to believe that having a pig is different, and takes different approaches to care. As a breeder, it was disheartening to realize that the only ones suffering from people not 'really' ready or devoted to caring for their pigs... are...sadly....the pigs. For this reason, we have chosen to limit our breeding practices. The last thing the world needs is more unwanted piggies. Still, we have learned much and continue to share that info with you, but are also focusing more on other aspects of our farm these days. Our piggies roam the farm happily living out their tiny lives.

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